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Chicago Cubs

Chicago Cubs

Did the Chicago Cubs "Throw" the 1918 World Series?

The Chicago History Museum recently placed a 1920 court deposition on its website, and it contains quotes that imply the Cubs may have thrown the 1918 World Series against the Boston Red Sox.

Eddie Cicotte, who was one of the 1919 Black Sox banned from baseball after being accused of throwing the World Series, said that there was talk of just such a thing.

Chicago Cubs "Split" Doubleheader: 10 Ways MLB Has Changed Over the Years

I promise you that this article isn't going to be one of those that simply reminisces about glory days and laments the passing of the 'good old days' when a postage stamp was 10 cents and outfielders shared baseball mitts.

Look, a lot of positive changes have occurred that have helped to improve the enjoyment of the game of baseball. But I must admit that some of the changes do have me occasionally longing for things I miss about the game.

Chicago Cubs: Their First 4 Series

The Cubs finished up their first two home series against arguably the two worst teams in the National League even at 3-3. They should certainly have gone 4-2 against these teams and probably 5-1.

The outcome is not a cause for panic, but still a disturbing sign.

So Where Do Your Favorite Chicago Cub Players Live?

With a tip o’ the cap to The Big Lead, I came across an article in the Chicago Tribune about Chicago Cubs’ LHP Sean Mar

Chicago Cubs Pitching Rotation: Why the Cubs Are "Forgetting Sean Marshall"

Just in case you don't follow me on Twitter (@FrostyAustin), which I do not blame you, considering you are already reading this—following me on a social network may drive you to insanity 140 characters at a time—you missed out on this tweet brigade inspired by Sean Marshall's 7th inning heroics last night.

MLB Fan Experience: Excitement for Chicago Cubs Fan at Wrigley Field

Going to a game at Wrigley Field in Chicago is an experience that every passionate baseball fan should aspire to at least once in their lives. The baseball game itself is in many instances secondary to what's going on throughout the ballpark.

While the beloved Chicago Cubs haven't won a World Series championship since 1908, it doesn't deter fans from making the trek to Wrigley Field and participating in the overall experience.

MLB Trade Ideas: Analyzing 10 Top Cubs Prospects' Odds of Being Moved

The Cubs are a team that is currently strapped for cash as far as their payroll is concerned, but with the contracts of Kosuke Fukudome, Aramis Ramirez, Carlos Pena, Carlos Silva, and John Grabow all coming off the books at the end of the season, they could be in line to make a splash this off season.

Another option could be dealing for one of a handful of top players that will be hitting free agency this season, in order to get a jump on re-signing them to a long term deal, and to contend this year.

Chicago Cubs Bit by Injury Bug Early On

Just when it seemed like all was well on the north side of Chicago, down go Randy Wells and Andrew Cashner.

Wells has a strained right forearm, which he felt Tuesday, the day after his start; Cashner has a mild strain in the back of his right rotator cuff.

Both pitchers had MRIs that revealed no structural damage in their arms.

While this is good news, they will both likely miss two weeks of action.

Chicago Cubs: Injuries Already Begin to Plague Them

By Friday the Chicago Cubs will have already been downed two starting pitchers; Randy Wells and Andrew Cashner.

Wells has a right forearm strain, while Cashner has a strain in the back of his rotator cuff. After two MRI's, neither player showed any structural damage. Both will be put on the DL by weeks end and are expected to be sidelined nearly a month.

Chicago Cubs Can't Pull off Another Comeback; Lose to Diamondbacks 6-4

The Cubs pulled off two miraculous comebacks in the first two games against the Diamondbacks.

That wasn't the case in Wednesday's matchup.

As amazing as the comebacks for the Cubbies were, they were still fighting from behind.

In all three games of this series, and pretty much this season so far, the Cubs dug themselves a hole that they then had to climb out of. It skewers the comebacks and creates an illusion.


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